Inno4Tree had its annual seminar for 2023 in Helsinki. Our colleagues from SYKE, David Lazarevic and Riina Toivanen hosted the 2-days seminar. Following colleagues participated Antje Klitkou and Håkon E. Norman, NIFU, Knut Amund Skatvedt and Samee Ullah, Treteknisk, Berit Sannes, Norwegian Wood Cluster, Knut Magnar Sandland, WoodWorks! Lina Ingeborgrud, NIFU participated online.
The seminar had following objectives:
- Get updates of work done so far and discuss these results.
- Present plans for next steps of project data collection.
- Discuss the development of collaborative papers.
- Improve the involvement of the two cluster organisations WoodWorks! and Norwegian Wood Cluster by facilitating feedbacks, planning contributions and workshops and other interactions.
- Interaction with a Finnish sister project on low-carbon housing in a workshop on wooden construction pathways on the second day.
- Get ideas for how to improve the projects.
Following issues were on the agenda:
Day 1
- Introduction and Welcome
- Board Interlocking
- Wooden bridges
- Competence/Education
- Policy
- Intermediation
In the evening we had a lovely dinner at the restaurant Ego.
On the second day we started our seminar at Viikki Wooden Church with a Workshop on wooden construction market niches, challenges and root causes. Here we met with representatives from the Finnish sister project Decarbon Home, a large research project about low-carbon housing. We divided in three different working groups and discussed important challenges for wooden construction, grouped these challenges thematically and identified root causes for these challenges.
Day 2
- Workshop on wooden construction market niches, challenges and root causes at Viikki Wooden Church
- Interaction with cluster organisations
- Next steps
After lunch in a nearby restaurant we continued our seminar with a discussion about possible interactions with our wood cluster organisations. We agreed to plan a combination of Teams meetings with specific groups in the cluster organisations, where we can give short presentations about themes the respective group in the cluster is interested in, webinars to a broader audience, and physical meeting like the one in Helsinki. Our next physical meeting will be on October 25-26 in Oslo, we will organise site visits in Oslo and eventually in Drammen.