Policy brief om mellomaktører innen trebyggeri i Norge og Finland

Den 18. desember publiserte vi vår andre Policy brief i Inno4Tree-prosjektet, denne gangen om rollen til mellomaktører i trebyggeri Norge og Finland. Forfatterne er Lina Ingeborgrud og Antje Klitkou fra NIFU og Riina Toivanen fra SYKE. I denne Innsikten ser vi nærmere på disse mellomaktørers rolle i å styre forventninger, peke på utfordringer og bidra …


Inno4Tree at the 15. IST Conference in Oslo

Last week, from the 17th to the 19th of June 2024, Inno4Tree presented results of the project at the 15th International Sustainability Transitions Conference in Oslo. With 500 participants this conference is the largest international conference on sustainability transitions worldwide. Our project had three contributions: Foto: Kristine Nore

Seminar on the policy analysis results in Helsinki 11.3.2024

Erkki-Jussi Nylén, SYKE As part of Inno4Tree project, NIFU, Syke and University of Helsinki researchers have conducted a comparative policy analysis on how wood construction policies have unfolded in Norway and Finland. The comparative analysis has focused on aspects of policy consistency, and vertical and horizontal policy coherence. In both countries promotion of wood construction …


Inno4Tree gjennomførte et spennende seminar i Oslo

Fra den 25. til den 26. oktober 2023 gjennomførte vi vårt seminar i Inno4Tree-prosjektet på NIFU i Oslo. Vi åpnet seminaret med felles lunsj på NIFU. Til stedet var alle forskningspartnere: fra NIFU Antje Klitkou, Håkon Normann og Lina Ingeborgrud, fra Treteknisk Knut Amund Skatvedt og Samee Ullah, og fra SYKE Riina Toivanen, Jani Lukkarinen …


Inno4Tree Seminar in October 2023

Our next seminar will be on October 25-26 in Oslo, our partners from Treteknisk and SYKE will participate as well as our colleagues from Norwegian Wood Cluster and WoodWoks! On the agenda will be the discussion of important outcomes of the project, such as: In addition we will discuss the next stakeholder meeting. We will …


Inno4TREE i møte med Norwegian Wood Cluster

Den 13. juni 2023 presenterte Antje Klitkou fra Inno4Tree den komparative medieanalysen om innovativ bruk av tre i byggebransjen i Norge og Finland for Kommunikasjonsgruppa i Norwegian Wood Cluster. Møtet ble holdt i Mjøstårnet.

Inno4Tree Annual seminar in Helsinki, April 20-21, 2023

Inno4Tree had its annual seminar for 2023 in Helsinki. Our colleagues from SYKE, David Lazarevic and Riina Toivanen hosted the 2-days seminar. Following colleagues participated Antje Klitkou and Håkon E. Norman, NIFU, Knut Amund Skatvedt and Samee Ullah, Treteknisk, Berit Sannes, Norwegian Wood Cluster, Knut Magnar Sandland, WoodWorks! Lina Ingeborgrud, NIFU participated online. The seminar …


Inno4Tree Annual Seminar 2023 in Helsinki

On April 20-21, 2023, we will have our Annual seminar in Helsinki. SYKE is the host for our seminar and we will discuss work done so far and plan next steps. On the second day we will organise a Wooden Construction Pathways Development Workshop together with a sister project from Finland. On both days will …


Inno4Tree Field Trip in Helsinki 8.-9.11.2022

Tuesday 8.11.2022 Viikin kirkko, Agronominkatu 5, 00790 Helsinki First, Inno4Tree visited Viikki Church, located nearby to the SYKE offices at the Viikki campus. The Church, completed in 2005, is unique as it is one of the very few modern timber churches in Finland. It is entirely built from wood! The exterior is clad in axe …
